Thursday 28 February 2013

Samsung Shores Up Security to Pluck BlackBerry Biz Users

Having established its credentials as a key player in the consumer smartphone world, Samsung is bolstering security to take a stab at business users, a demographic traditionally dominated by BlackBerry. For the past year, Samsung has been beefing up the Android software that powers its smartphones to protect it against malware.


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John Kerry busts out his French-speaking skills

Secretary of State John Kerry busted out a bit of the language of Moli?re and G?rard Depardieu on Wednesday as he met in Paris with his French counterpart, Laurent Fabius. How?d he do?

Pas mal du tout, Monsieur Kerry. Not bad at all.

The Democratic former senator from Massachusetts learned French while attending a boarding school in Switzerland starting when he was 11. And he spent many childhood summers in the Atlantic coast region of Brittany with French relatives.

Those days are long gone ? but while Kerry seemed a bit rusty, his opening remarks at a joint press conference with the French foreign minister sounded pretty solid to this native speaker (he starts at 4:51 in the video above, and a transcript is at the bottom of this post). And he poured on the charm to please his audience.

?We?ve just finished one of those wonderful French lunches that have never ceased drawing Americans to Paris for centuries,? he said, seemingly reading from notes or prepared remarks. And he also joked about anti-French sentiment in the United States. ?And now I?ll speak in English because otherwise they won?t let me return home.?

Kerry?s gesture thrilled the French, who appreciate it when visiting dignitaries make an effort to speak their hosts? language. French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius celebrated Franco-American cooperation on a range of foreign policy struggles like the bloodbath in Syria and Iran?s nuclear program -- and hailed Kerry as ?someone who is known to be a friend of France? (?quelqu?un qui est connu pour ?tre un ami de la France.?)

It was just a couple of weeks ago that the newly minted secretary of state, meeting with Canadian Foreign Minister John Baird, had declined a reporter?s request for ?a little bit of French, please, maybe?? (?un peu de Fran?ais s?il vous plait, peut-etre?? she asked).

?Not today ? I?ve got to refresh myself on that,? Kerry said, drawing chuckles from his audience.

The French question is a vexing one for Kerry. During the 2004 presidential campaign, The New York Times raised eyebrows by granting anonymity to a ?Bush adviser? who wanted to snipe from behind cover that the Democratic candidate ?looks French.? That cheap shot, apparently code for ?elitist,? caught fire in the media, stoked by perennial anti-French sentiment and still-fresh frustration that the government in Paris opposed the March 2003 invasion of Iraq. It was the era of renaming ?French fries? as ?Freedom Fries? in the congressional cafeteria (the French consider fries Belgian) and calling the ?French kiss? something more acceptable to American audiences, ?The Patriot Act.? (OK, that last one was, ahem, tongue-in-cheek.)

Times have changed. Somewhat. Throughout the 2012 campaign, Mitt Romney unhesitatingly spoke French to people he met on the trail (and he took crap for it. Even from Democrats.). Romney, who learned French when he lived in France as a Mormon missionary, does really well on his feet, has good sentence structure, and, likey Kerry, his mild accent doesn?t make him hard to understand.

Does any of this matter? Peut-?tre/Maybe. Diplomacy is often a language of symbolism and nuances, after all.

And an old story, handed down to by foreign language professors, may illustrate another usefulness.

The story goes that, in the early computer era, the CIA spent a fortune on a device that could translate intercepted messages. The chairman of the congressional committee that funded the project, on a tour, was invited to submit a phrase that would be translated from English, into French, then into German, then into Russian, then into Chinese, and back into English. The lawmaker thought a moment, then suggested ?out of sight, out of mind.?

The machine clacked and whirred and spat out a strip of paper. On it was the result: ?Invisible. Insane.?

Kerry's remarks in French:

"Merci beaucoup, Monsieur le Ministre. Vraiment, c?est chaleureux, et je vous remercie beaucoup pour votre accueil aujourd?hui. C?est un tr?s grand plaisir pour moi d??tre en companie du ministre des affaires ?trang?res, Fabius. Nous venons de conclure un de ces merveilleux d?jeuners fran?ais qui n?ont cess? d?attirer les Am?ricains ? Paris depuis des si?cles. Bien entendu, c?est un privil?ge de pouvoir partager tout repas avec Laurent. Il est un ami de confiance, un alli? fid?le et un partenaire appr?ci?, et je veux ? je le remercie pour tout ?a. La France, comme vous savez, est vraiment ? c?est le plus ancien des alli?s des Etats-Unis. On vous remercie pour ?a aussi. Et maintenant je parle en anglais parce qu?autrement on me laisse pas rentrer chez moi."


"Thank you very much, Mister Minister. Really, that was [a] warm [welcome], and I thank you very much for your welcome today. It?s a great pleasure for me to be here with the minister of foreign affairs, Fabius. We just finished one of those wonderful French lunches that have never ceased drawing Americans to Paris for centuries. Of course, it?s a privilege to share any meal with Laurent. He is a trusted friend, a faithful ally, and a valued partner. and I want to thank him for all of that. France, as you know, is really - it's the oldest ally of the United States, so we would like to thank you for that, too. And now I'll speak in English, because otherwise they won?t let me return home.?


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Can an App Take Down Climate Change Deniers? Al Gore Thinks So.

It's happened to all of us. Sometime in the middle of dinner, or hanging out with friends, someone says they're not sure climate change exists. And you're suddenly at a loss for words.

The solution, according to former Vice President Al gore, is a new social media tool designed to tell users the scientific truth about global warming. The app, called Reality Drop, was unveiled today at a live event in Long Beach, Calif.

In a calculated nod to millennials and the increasing gamification of our culture, the tool curates hundreds of daily online news articles about global warming, and then allows users to earn points if they leave comments that spread truthful science and refute anti-science myths.

?Social networks are the key in helping us move the needle in the right direction?the key is to seed the conversation with reality,? said Gore, from a hotel conference room in Long Beach, California. ?Wherever there is an example of denial in the media, we will give everyone that participates the precise scientific answer to the denial in the story.?

Reality Drop debuts at a vital time in the global bout to cool our ever-warming planet.

The last two years have featured record-setting extreme weather events that?climate scientists said were made more intense because of global warming. Sweltering heatwaves, backbreaking drought, above-average wildfires, and multiple freak storms were the defining events of 2011 and 2012.

In 2012, 3,527 monthly weather records were broken for heat, rain, and snow in the U.S. Shockingly, 34,008 daily high temperature records?were set or tied?throughout 2012, compared to just 6,664 daily record lows?a ratio of five-to-one.

Such extreme weather events proved very costly?both in terms of lives lost and dollars wasted. In addition to 1,107 tragic fatalities, up to $188 billion in damage was caused by the severe weather events of 2011 and 2012.

Halfway through his presentation, Gore queued up perhaps the most sobering clip from his 2005 Oscar-winning documentary, An Inconvenient Truth, in which a computer model simulates the flooding of lower Manhattan. ?Deniers said this would never happen,? said Gore. He then played a montage of news clips from Hurricane Sandy, in which the Hudson River in fact poured into lower Manhattan and Ground Zero.

?This particular moment in time is the exact right moment in time to do this?superstorm Sandy, in particular, represented something of a tipping point, I believe,? said Gore.

In the face of overwhelming evidence, the fossil fuel industry, the most profitable business in human history, has dug in its collective heels in defending the anti-science line.

?Just like the tobacco companies in the ?50s, the fossil fuel industry has engaged in a well-funded and coordinated effort mislead the public about the scientific reality of climate change,? said Gore, in a press release.

As a supplement to the gaming feature, Reality Drop also highlights and debunks more than a hundred of the most-commonly espoused climate myths, including ?Antarctica is gaining ice,? ?spring isn?t arriving sooner,? and ?it?s the urban heat island effect.?

The tool was developed in collaboration with Skeptical Science and Arnold Worldwide, a global communications organization. ?You get points for promoting the truth and for combatting the denial?it?s fun and it works,? said Gore.

Gore ended his roughly 45-minute presentation on a call to action, saying its ?time to win the conversation on personal terms,? making an analogy to the recent groundswell of support in America for gay marriage.

?Two, three, four years ago, nobody would have imagined how gay rights would have transformed this country?it?s so inspiring,? said Gore. ?That same conversation phenomenon has to happen on carbon.??

Related Stories on TakePart:

? You Can Totally Thank Climate Change for Future Mutant Hurricanes

? Al Gore on Summer 2012's Extreme Weather: 'It's Like a Nature Hike Through the Book of Revelations'

? Sandy's Wake Widens: One Million Honeybees Perish in Brooklyn

?An Angelino by way of Wilkes-Barre, PA, Sal holds a Political Science degree from George Washington University. Though he began his career in sports, he's written about all things environment since 2007. @SalCardoni?| Email Sal |


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Lew set to start at Treasury as budget cuts loom

WASHINGTON (AP) ? Jacob Lew is scheduled to be sworn in Thursday as Treasury secretary and will have to hit the ground running.

He is taking over the job just a day before huge automatic government spending cuts are set to take effect. He's likely to be involved with any negotiations to reverse the cuts, and also in budget talks next month to continue funding the government.

The Senate confirmed Lew late Wednesday, affirming President Barack Obama's choice of a budget expert at a time when Congress and the White House are at odds over spending and taxes.

"At this critical time for our economy and our country, there is no one more qualified for this position than Jack," Obama said in a statement issued after the Senate vote. "His reputation as a master of fiscal issues who can work with leaders on both sides of the aisle has already helped him succeed in some of the toughest jobs in Washington."

The vote was 71 to 26 to support the nomination. Voting against Lew's confirmation were 25 Republicans and independent Bernie Sanders of Vermont.

Lew, 57, had most recently served as Obama's chief of staff. He succeeds Timothy Geithner, who completed a tumultuous four-year term in which he helped lead the administration's response to the financial crisis and recession.

Lew began his government service in the 1980s as an aide to House Speaker Tip O'Neill. He brings nearly three decades of government service to the job, including two stints as White House budget director.

Republican Sen. Jeff Sessions of Alabama, who opposed the nomination, said Lew as budget director was the architect of the Obama's administration's failed efforts to get soaring deficits under control.

During his confirmation hearing, Lew signaled no major economic policy changes. He advocated a balanced approach to reducing the long-term budget deficit through spending cuts and additional tax revenue.

He said he would be open to reforms to Medicare, but he didn't spell out any details. Lew also said he would work with the committee on a rewrite of the tax code.

Beyond the budget, Lew is expected to hew closely to the positions Geithner struck on Europe's debt crisis, the U.S. relationship with China and the administration's defense of the Dodd-Frank financial overhaul law that the banking industry has fought to weaken.

Some Republicans voted against Lew because they were not satisfied with his answers about his previous employment with Citigroup, including a brief time when he was chief operating officer for an investment unit in 2008. The unit has been criticized for making risky investments that imploded during the financial crisis. And Lew received a bonus of nearly $1 million in early 2009, a time when Citi was being bailed out by taxpayers.

Lew told the panel that he didn't make decisions about the investments being offered to clients. He said his bonus reflected compensation for his work.

Sen. Charles Grassley, R-Iowa, opposed Lew's nomination. He cited questions about his time at Citi, as well as Lew's compensation while working as chief operating officer at New York University.

"Mr. Lew's eagerness and skill in obtaining bonuses, severance payments, housing allowances and other perks raises concerns about whether he appreciates who pays the bills," Grassley said.

One potential weakness for Lew: His relative inexperience with financial markets and international economic crises ? areas that had played to Geithner's background. Analysts think Lew will keep pressuring Europe to deal aggressively with its budget and debt issues. But they think this will consume less of his time given that Europe's debt crisis now poses less of a threat to the global economy.

On trade, Lew is expected to keep prodding China. The U.S. trade gap with the world's second-largest economy hit another record high last year. No breakthrough is expected, though.

Lew will also need to calm investors who have grown concerned about possible currency wars after Japan's new government sought to lower the value of the yen as a way to boost exports and its weak economy. A weaker yen makes Japanese goods cheaper overseas and foreign goods costlier in Japan.

And Lew will need to defend the Dodd-Frank Act, which overhauled financial regulation after the 2008 crisis. Since the law was passed in 2010, Wall Street has fought to weaken many of its stricter regulations.

He may also need to work on his signature, which starts off with a soft "J'' but is followed by seven loopy scribbles that render it illegible. The Treasury secretary's signature is emblazoned in the lower right corner of U.S. dollar bills of all denominations.

When he announced Lew's nomination, Obama said Lew had promised to work to make one letter legible "in order not to debase our currency."


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Pianist Van Cliburn has died at 78

By Gael Fashingbauer Cooper, TODAY

Pianist Van Cliburn died Wednesday at age 78 of bone cancer, his publicist confirms. The music legend became famous in 1958 at the young age of 23 when he won an international piano competition in Moscow at the height of the Cold War, returning home to a parade in his honor and the beginning of five decades of fame.

"Van Cliburn was an international legend for over five decades, a?great humanitarian and a brilliant musician whose light will continue to shine through his extraordinary legacy," publicist Mary Lou Falcone said in a statement. "He will be missed by all who knew and admired him, and by countless people he never met."

Fort Worth Star-Telegram / Getty Images

Legendary pianist Van Cliburn is seen here in 2012.

Harvey Lavan Cliburn took his nickname from his middle name. Born in Louisiana in 1934, he came into the public eye when he won the first International Tchaikovsky Competition, held in Moscow in 1958 as the Cold War raged. Though just 23, in a sense he had been preparing for the contest for a decade, making his orchestral debut in Houston at age 12, entering Juilliard at 17, and playing Carnegie Hall at 20.

"The lanky young man from Texas stunned the world by traveling to Moscow and winning the Soviet Union's most prestigious piano competition," wrote Tim Madigan in Cliburn's hometown newspaper, the Fort Worth Star-Telegram in 2012. "He had done so by playing Russia's most beloved music. The Cold War thawed a little then."

Despite the heated political climate, Cliburn stayed above the fray. "Oh, I never thought about all that," he told the New York Times in 2008. "I was just so involved with the sweet and friendly people who were so passionate about music."

When Cliburn returned to the United States the victor, he was honored with a ticker-tape parade in New York, believed to be the only parade of its kind ever accorded a classical musician.?

Jason Reed / Reuters file

President Barack Obama presents the 2010 National Medal of Arts to Van Cliburn in 2011.

"I appreciate more than you will ever know that you are honoring me, but the thing that thrills me the most is that you are honoring classical music," Cliburn said. "Because I'm only one of many. I'm only a witness and a messenger. Because I believe so much in the beauty, the construction, the architecture invisible, the importance for all generations, for young people to come that it will help their minds, develop their attitudes and give them values. That is why I'm so grateful that you have honored me in that spirit."

After the victory, he reportedly always carried a good-luck five ruble coin once owned by his hero, Russian composer and pianist Sergei Rachmaninoff. Cliburn's later recording of the?Tchaikovsky Piano Concerto No. 1 became the first classical record to be certified platinum.

Cliburn's many awards include?The Presidential Medal of Freedom presented by President George W. Bush, the National Medal of Arts presented by President Barack Obama, the Kennedy Center Honors, the Grammy Lifetime Achievement Award, and the Russian Order of Friendship presented by President Vladimir Putin on behalf of the Russian people.

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CEO Tim Cook: Apple focused on 'long term'

CUPERTINO - Apple Inc. CEO Tim Cook on Wednesday acknowledged widespread disappointment in the company's sagging share price but shared few details about its secretive product pipeline and touched only briefly on a raging debate about how best to reward shareholders.

The world's most valuable technology company headed into its annual shareholders' meeting at its headquarters on shakier ground than it has been accustomed to in years, since the iPhone and iPad helped vault the company to premier investment status.

A declining share price has lent weight to Wall Street's demand that it share more of its $137 billion in cash and securities pile - equivalent to Hungary's Gross Domestic Product, and growing - a debate now spearheaded by outspoken hedge fund manager David Einhorn.

Einhorn was not spotted at the meeting at the company's headquarters at 1 Infinite Loop in Cupertino. Cook repeated that the company's board remained in "very very active" discussions about options for cash sharing, and said he shared investors' dissatisfaction over the stock price.

"I don't like it either. The board doesn't like it. The management team doesn't like it," Cook told investors.

"What we are focused on is the long term. This has always been a secret of Apple."

By focusing on the long term, revenue and profit will follow, he said.

Apple had the "mother of all years" last year with growth, in terms of dollars, outpacing that of Microsoft, Google, Nokia and several other major technology companies combined, Cook said.

Cook -- who was re-elected to the board with 99.1 percent of shareholder votes -- added that the company was working on new product categories, but, as usual, would not elaborate.

Speculation is rife on Wall Street and in Silicon Valley that the iPhone maker is working on a project to revolutionize the television and TV content, or a smart "iWatch."

Apple's stock was down 0.25 percent to $447.86 in afternoon trade. It is now down more than 35 percent from its $702.10 September peak.

Cook presided over Wednesday's staid affair in his typically even-keeled manner. Despite a slipping share price, dissatisfaction on the Street over its cash allocation and uncertainty over its product pipeline, shareholders re-elected the entire board, and Cook won more than 99 percent of the vote in preliminary results.

Cook got the most votes, followed by Walt Disney Co's Bob Iger, who won re-election with 99 percent of shareholder votes. Former Avon Products CEO Andrea Jung, who stepped down after botching several attempts at restructuring the cosmetics company, received the fewest votes of the group, with 84.6 percent of shareholders voting yea.

Carol Shoaff, an Apple shareholder for about the past five years, said after the meeting that she was confident in Apple's leadership and the company was on the right path.

"I think he's good," she said, referring to Cook. "I don't think Steve Jobs would have left him in charge if he didn't believe in him."

Members of the Service Employees International Union protested outside the headquarters to get Apple to reconsider hiring of securities contractor SIS.

Apple's annual shareholder meetings have seemed more like celebrations in recent years. Since the company came out with its first iPhone in 2007, the company multiplied in market value until it peaked in September.

Then Samsung Electronics and began seriously eroding its market share in 2012, powered by arch-rival Google's Android software. On March 14, Samsung will launch the Galaxy SIV smartphone, the latest iteration of a flagship smartphone that helped it dethrone Apple from the top of the industry.

Institutional investors want Apple to share a greater chunk of its cash and securities pile, a demand growing increasingly strident with the company's stock wallowing at levels untested since the start of 2012.

Einhorn is advocating "iPrefs," preferred stock that will carry a perpetual 4 percent dividend to boost returns while not hampering cash flow.

On Friday, Einhorn won an important legal victory that strengthened his hand. His Greenlight Capital secured an injunction that invalidated shareholder voting on a proposal to scrap Apple's power to issue preferred stock at its discretion.

Apple says this would enhance governance. But the hedge fund manager argued it could complicate efforts to issue preferred securities in the future.

Cook said again on Wednesday that Einhorn's lawsuit - regardless of its efficacy - was a "silly sideshow." The underlying principle of cash distribution was something he and the board took seriously, he added.

The proposal was not put forth on Wednesday but Apple shareholders and representatives from the California Public Employees Retirement System and the Nathan Cummings Foundation spoke in favor of it at the meeting.

CalPers, owner of 2.7 million Apple shares, had supported the so-called Proposal 2. Senior Portfolio Manager Anne Simpson said it was unfortunate the measure could not be put forward.

"We know there is hot debate going on with cash," Simpson told the assembled shareholders. "We are willing and happy to wait."

Cook, who took over from late company co-founder Steve Jobs in 2011, answered a variety of questions from shareholders, including some on Apple's new headquarters, labor conditions in its factories and product plans.

One shareholder also asked why there was no bathroom in an Apple retail store in Santa Monica, Calif. Cook, acknowledging that it was an important point, said he will look into it.

On the new headquarters, Cook said the company plans to break ground later this year and occupy the facilities in 2016, a delay from the original 2015 target date.

The meeting largely followed the script with no distractions. Shareholders voted down two shareholder proposals, both of which were opposed by Apple's board. One wanted Apple leadership to hold more stock, the other was a proposal to create a board committee on human rights.

Copyright 2013 Thomson Reuters.


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Minnesota takes down No. 1 Indiana 77-73

MINNEAPOLIS (AP) ? Retaining that No. 1 national ranking has been elusive throughout this wild season in college basketball, and Indiana was the latest to lose at the top ? again.

Most important and maybe more challenging for the Hoosiers, however, is holding on to first place in the tough-as-ever Big Ten.

Trevor Mbakwe had 21 points on 8-for-10 shooting and 12 rebounds to help Minnesota take down top-ranked Indiana 77-73 on Tuesday night, the seventh time the No. 1 team in the Associated Press poll has lost this season. Three of those losses were by the Hoosiers, who were No. 1 when they fell to Butler and Wisconsin earlier this season. All three opponents were unranked at the time.

Indiana (24-4, 12-3) has held the No. 1 ranking for 10 of the 17 polls by the AP this season, including the last four, and that will likely change next week. But fending off Michigan, Michigan State and Wisconsin is what's on the minds of the Hoosiers, who'll take a one-game lead in the conference race into Saturday's game against Iowa.

"Winning the Big Ten was going to be tough whether we won today or lost," said star guard Victor Oladipo, who had 16 points. "We knew it was going to be tough from the jump. Now it's even tougher. But I think my team is ready for it. We just have to go back and see what we did wrong and correct it."

Andre Hollins added 16 points for the Gophers (19-9, 7-8), who outrebounded Cody Zeller and the Hoosiers by a whopping 44-30 and solidified their slipping NCAA tournament hopes with an emphatic performance against the conference leader. The fired-up fans swarmed the court as the last seconds ticked off, the first time that's happened here since a 2002 win over Indiana.

"There were just too many times when that first shot went up and they were there before we were because we didn't get into their bodies," Hoosiers coach Tom Crean said. "We weren't physical enough on the glass. That's the bottom line."

Zeller, the second-leading shooter in the Big Ten, went 2 for 9. He had nine points with four turnovers. Minnesota had 40 points in the paint to Indiana's 22.

Mbakwe, a sixth-year senior, had a lot to do with that. While positing his conference-leading seventh double-double of the season, the 24-year-old Mbakwe was a man among boys in many ways in this game, dominating both ends of the court when the Gophers needed him most. He grabbed six of Minnesota's 23 offensive rebounds, two of them to keep a key possession alive. His off-balance put-back drew contact for a three-point play with 7:22 left that gave the Gophers a 55-52 lead.

Mbakwe was called for a loudly questioned blocking foul, his fourth, with 4:39 remaining on Zeller's fast-break layup and free throw that put the Hoosiers up 59-58. But Austin Hollins answered with a pump-fake layup that drew a foul for a three-point play and a two-point advantage for the Gophers.

The Hoosiers didn't lead again, and Joe Coleman's fast-break dunk with 2:35 left gave Minnesota a 68-61 cushion that helped it withstand a couple of 3-pointers by Christian Watford and one by Jordan Hulls in the closing minutes. That was the only basket Hulls made after halftime. He had 17 points.

"Just the way we bounced back is unbelievable. We showed that we can beat one of the best teams in the country. Now we have to build off this," said Mbakwe, whose team lost eight of its previous 11 games starting with an 88-81 loss at Indiana on Jan. 12. The Gophers were ranked eighth then. They didn't even receive a vote in the current poll. That could change next week.

The Hoosiers are still in position for their first outright Big Ten regular-season championship since 1993. With another home game against Ohio State on March 5, Indiana could still clinch the title before the finale at Michigan on March 10.

For now, though, the Hoosiers have to regroup and re-establish their inside game after the trampling in the post they endured here.

"They were relentless on the glass. We just didn't do a great job of boxing them out," Oladipo said.


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Drink a glass of water upside down. Hold your breath until just before you pass out. Have someone scare the crap out of you. Everyone swears by a hiccup remedy. What's yours? More »


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Using Facebook app may be cheaper than texting

Facebook has sweet-talked 18 cellphone operators in 14 countries to get discounted or free data for Facebookers who text and chat on Facebook's Messenger app.

When the details are ironed out and the deal kicks in, messaging via Facebook?s messenger service may turn out to be cheaper than texting in some countries. The feature will work on the Messenger app for Android or iPhone and the Every Phone service for basic phones.

While Facebook doesn't mention this in its announcement of the deal, The Atlantic brings up the possibility that the feature may make calling cheaper too.

That's an intriguing possibility. Facebook does have a calling service tucked within the Messenger app. But for now, this feature is limited to the Messenger app on iPhones. And, it's only available in the US and Canada--two countries that are absent from the Facebook's list of new mobile operator partners.

If the calling feature did roll out to non-iPhone phones globally, it could make Facebook an attractive mobile tool. In places like India, for example, mobile users go to elaborate lengths to avoid paying call fees on their cell phone, spawning a convoluted but surprisingly functional "missed call ecosystem." It's reasonable to assume that any free mobile service that carried a free (or discounted) calling feature tucked in could become a popular one among mobile phone owners.

Of course, this would depend on what price the "discounted" data plans were fixed at, and if, if ever, Facebook took its voice calling global. If we got that far, would mobile operators be willing to let Facebook up their data-based calling feature and let it benefit from a discounted data scheme? A Facebook spokesperson told NBC News Digital that "the length of the free/discounted data [would be established] at the discretion of the mobile operator." As to the nitty-gritty of the deals, they have no other details to share, so we'll just to wait and see. In the meanwhile, here are the operators involved:

  • TMN in Portugal, Tre in Italy, Three in Ireland, Vivacom in Bulgaria, Backcell in Azerbaydzhan
  • Airtel and Reliance in India
  • Indosat, Smartfren, AXIS and XL Axiata in Indonesia, SMART in Philippines, DiGi in Malaysia, DTAC in Thailand
  • Etisalat in Egypt , Viva in Bahrain, STC in Saudi Arabia
  • Oi in Brazil

Nidhi Subbaraman writes about science and technology. Follow on Twitter, Google+.


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Wednesday 27 February 2013

Scoring Q and Drinking Brew, Part 3: How To Enjoy BBQ ... - Grill Grrrl

Blake Marcum is a Memphis Barbecue Network Judge, Competes on a Competition BBQ Team, and craft beer lover. Here is is latest installment to his column ?Scoring Q and Drinking Brew?:

I would like to thank my readers (both of you) for pointing out that I posted Lesson 4 before Lesson 3 in this blog. I would love to blame it on the fact that I?m a huge Tarantino film buff and I had just watched Pulp Fiction and thought writing out of order would be an avant-garde tribute to my fellow Tennessean. Upon further thought, I will just blame it on that.

Without further ado?

Lesson 3: How to enjoy BBQ when you?re NOT at a competition

One of the most frequent questions friends ask me is whether or not I can enjoy restaurant BBQ since I?ve been competing and judging for so long. When picking restaurants they want BBQ often and I?m always more than willing to go along, but the comments always come.

?I bet this isn?t as good as what you?re used to,? is the most common comment. No, it isn?t. But I?m blessed to cook with smokers that cost thousands of dollars and to have put almost a decade of research into how to cook BBQ the right way.

Even though I?m a competitor and judge, I do NOT want to be the pretentious guy that constantly looks down on a good BBQ meal from a local establishment. I love going to BBQ restaurants. Barbeque is wonderful food, occasionally even when done horribly wrong, so it?s wonderful when you find places that do it incredibly right. I want to enjoy my meal and mop up every last drop of sauce that is left on my plate with a piece of bread and enjoy every savory bit of flavor I can wrestle from the plate.

Memphis BBQ Company

?We?re gonna need a bigger boat,? might be a common comment for anyone ordering a full slab of baby back ribs and sides at the Memphis BBQ Company in Horn Lake, MS.

?We?re gonna need a bigger boat,? might be a common comment for anyone ordering a full slab of baby back ribs and sides at the Memphis BBQ Company in Horn Lake, MS.

I know some BBQ competitors and judges that never go out for BBQ. That just shows me that their brain is working against them and holding them back from enjoying some good food. This is a quick guide for how to shut down your brain and enjoy the BBQ.

1. Variety is the key to happiness.
When I go to a BBQ restaurant the first thing I look for or ask for is whether or not they offer a combo plate. I always want to try the ribs, but if they let me pair a few ribs with some pulled pork and/or some brisket, I?m a very happy camper. This makes sure that if I don?t enjoy one of their meats, I?ve still got a 50-66% chance of enjoying the rest of my meal.

BBQ Sampler at Gridley?s II in Bartlett, TN had ribs served on top of pulled pork and brisket. It was like digging for BBQ treasure.

BBQ Sampler at Gridley?s II in Bartlett, TN had ribs served on top of pulled pork and brisket. It was like digging for BBQ treasure.

BBQ Sampler at Gridley?s II in Bartlett, TN had ribs served on top of pulled pork and brisket. It was like digging for BBQ treasure.

2. Look for Creativity.
You?re at a restaurant that has a BBQ creation on the menu, but you didn?t notice any smoke outside the building when you approached or see anyone licking their plate clean. But there it is, on the menu. After checking your friends menu to make sure it wasn?t some large typo and asking the server to verify, you decide to order it. It may be bad, but it may be good. Be courageous friends. It may be worth the risk.

BBQ Brisket tacos at Local Gastropub in Memphis, TN.

BBQ Brisket tacos at Local Gastropub in Memphis, TN.

3. Don?t be THAT guy.

You?re with your friends (if you still have any) and they?re all enjoying their meal. They do NOT want to hear about ho

w the membrane was not removed from the ribs and would never do well in competition. They are not in a BBQ seminar. Unless you are asked directly by someone, don?t try and rule the table with your BBQ knowledge. Just do your best to keep excess sauce off your shirt and talk about sports or movies? or beer. Delicious beer? mmmmm.

The Beer Pantry at my Home. Be jealous, be very jealous.

The Beer Pantry at my Home. Be jealous, be very jealous.

If you keep an open mind and keep your training and experience out of the way, you can be rewarded with a variety of different approaches to BBQ. Not all of them are going to be great. But there are some hidden gems waiting to be found and enjoyed.

waffles and ham_photo 5 or 6

Pulled pork waffles with a raspberry BBQ sauce and coleslaw, found at The University of Tennessee during the Kentucky game. The Volunteers won the game. I won the BBQ jackpot of the day.

Remember to stay out of your own way, keep an eye out for a cloud full of smoke coming out of an old shack, and always have cash on hand. Doing those things along with my other tips, can pave the way to some great BBQ. Also look for reviews or blogs about BBQ places in your area. One of my favorites is written by my friend Craig who is on a quest to enjoy every barbecue and soul food restaurant in the mid-south area. I always check out his reviews before making my way to a new BBQ spot. Reviews like his can give you the times to order, tips on what to order, and let you in on some key details to make sure to enjoy when you?re there.

For information on how to become a trained or certified judge, go to the Memphis Barbecue Network?s page at or the Kansas City Barbeque Society?s page at for information about upcoming judging classes.

If you have any questions, ideas you would like me to write about, or comments, feel free to email me at


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M Resort Spa Casino Is Awarded 2013 Forbes Travel Guide Four ...

LAS VEGAS, Feb. 26, 2013 /PRNewswire/ ? For the - fourth consecutive year, the - M Resort Spa Casino was honored with a Forbes Travel Guide Four-Star Rating, furthering its place as one of the - world?s premier resorts with truly exceptional service & amenities. The resort?s 23,000 square foot spa, Spa Mio, moreover received Four-Star recognition for the - third year in a row.


The Forbes accolades come on the - heels of receiving 2013 Four-Diamond recognition from AAA & being ranked No. 7 out of 473 hotels in Las Vegas NV on U.S. News & World Report?s list of Best Las Vegas NV Hotels.

?These outstanding achievements would not have been possible without the - dedication of our team members,? asserted Anthony A. Marnell, III, President of the - M Resort. ?Each day they deliver an exceptional guest experience & these accolades are a true testament of their complex work & commitment to our core values & to our guests.?

The 390-room resort opened in March 2009 & caters to out-of-town guests & Las Vegas NV locals. The resort has already earned numerous accolades in addition to the - coveted titles of ?Best Buffet in Las Vegas? & ?Best Locals Hotel? from the - city?s daily newspaper. The property was moreover recognized as having the - most innovative slot floor & was named one of the - Top 10 U.S. Relaxation/Spa Hotels by travel website TripAdvisor?.

Forbes Travel Guide has defined the - standard of excellence in hotel, restaurant & spa experiences since 1958. The rigorous rating process begins with a facility inspection in that considers every aspect of the - property, in addition to its overall cleanliness, condition & location. To achieve Forbes Travel Guide Four & Five Star status, properties must meet or exceed the - bar-setting service standards, which are determined through an unannounced, undercover service evaluation conducted by Forbes Travel Guide?s expert inspectors.

Startle is the - luxury lifestyle platform in that combines the - objectivity & heritage of the - Forbes Travel Guide Star Rating system with insightful recommendations from a hand-selected group of tastemakers & travel experts. Startle provides detailed information on Star Rated hotels, restaurants & spas & gives its registered members exclusive access to special offers & curated experiences from select Startle partner properties. Startle?s socially enabled platform delivers guests the - possibility to follow destinations, properties, tastemakers & travel experts.

Forbes Travel Guide, formerly Mobil Travel Guide & originator of the - prestigious Star Ratings & certifications, has provided the - travel industry?s most comprehensive ratings & reviews of hotels, restaurants & spas since 1958. Forbes Travel Guide has a team of expert inspectors who anonymously evaluate properties against rigorous & objective standards, providing consumers the - insight to make better-informed travel & leisure decisions. For more information about Startle & Forbes Travel Guide, visit

Awarded the - Forbes Travel Guide Four-Star rating four years of time in a row, M Resort Spa Casino is located on over 90 acres at 12300 Las Vegas NV Blvd. S. on the - southeast corner of St. Rose Parkway & Las Vegas NV Boulevard. Situated?higher in elevation than?other?resort-casinos on the - Las Vegas NV Strip, the - M Resort provides optimal views of the - world-famous Las Vegas NV skyline from its guest rooms, suites, conference center & restaurants. The resort offers?390 guest rooms & suites,?over 92,000 square feet of gaming, seven restaurants & six bars, more than 92,000 square feet of meeting & conference space, a state-of-the-art spa & fitness center & a 100,000 square foot events piazza. For more information, visit Find us on Facebook site ? M Resort Spa Casino. Follow @MResort Twitter. Read our M Point of View Blog. M Resort is operated by Penn National Gaming, Inc.


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Cryopreservation: A chance for highly endangered mammals

Feb. 27, 2013 ? Oocytes of lions, tigers and other cat species survive the preservation in liquid nitrogen. Scientists of the Leibniz Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research (IZW) in Berlin succeeded in carrying out cryopreservation of felid ovary cortex.

"We have successfully frozen and thawed oocytes in the ovary cortex of different cat species at minus 196 degrees Celsius. This freezing process and the storage of living cellular material in liquid nitrogen is called cryopreservation," said Caterina Wiedemann, doctoral candidate at the IZW.

The ovarian cortex is regarded as a reservoir of reproductive cells. It contains thousands of immature oocytes. Successful cryopreservation of ovarian tissue of wild cats is therefore a key element for the establishment of genome resource banks, an important tool for the preservation of genetic diversity. All felid species except for the domestic cats are listed on the Red List for endangered species of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN).

Taking a freezing procedure developed in human medicine as their model, scientists at the Department of Reproduction Biology of the IZW developed a method for cryopreserving the ovarian cortex of different cat species. In the original procedure, ovarian tissue of women who suffer from cancer is removed to avoid its damage by chemotherapy or radiotherapy. After successful tumor treatment the tissue is re-transplanted so that the normal female cycle, including fertility, can be restored. In the meantime, the tissue is conserved in liquid nitrogen. The IZW adapted this method to preserve female germ cells from feline species.

The particular challenge in the cryopreservation of ovarian cortex tissue comes from the fact that the cells are embedded in a very complex system. Ovarian cortex is composed of immature oocytes surrounded by small somatic cells, different connective tissue and blood vessel cells. In addition, the cellular properties of every species are unique, thus it not possible to develop a common freezing procedure applicable to all species. For the cat cells, the scientists of the IZW worked out a "slow" freezing protocol. The cortex was dissected into evenly chopped pieces, each 2 mm in diameter. The cellular material was frozen at a speed of 0.3 degrees per minute. Ethylene glycol and saccharose were used as cryoprotectant agents. To demonstrate their survival after thawing the ovaries, the cortex was cultured in a medium for up to 14 days before and after the freezing.

The IZW owns the genome resource bank ?Arche," which contains, inter alia, a variety of sperm samples of various wildlife species. The newly developed cryopreservation method will substantially improve the future storage of feline germ cells. ?This is a large step towards preserving biodiversity. In particular to endangered cat species the successful cryopreservation of female and male gametes is a ray of hope," commented the head of the department, Prof Dr Katarina Jewgenow (IZW).

In 2007 the IZW initiated the "Felid Gametes Rescue Project" in order to build up an European network for the extraction and storage of feline gametes, which are made available to breeding programmes of zoos. Within the framework of this project, different European zoos are sending ovaries and testes of big and small cats to the IZW in Berlin for research. The scientists involved are confident that these good results will encourage even more zoos to participate in the network.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Forschungsverbund Berlin e.V. (FVB).

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Caterina Wiedemann, Jennifer Zahmel, Katarina Jewgenow. Short-term culture of ovarian cortex pieces to assess the cryopreservation outcome in wild felids for genome conservation. BMC Veterinary Research, 2013; 9 (1): 37 DOI: 10.1186/1746-6148-9-37

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: Views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Sony Mobile has 'an ambition' to launch Firefox OS device in 2014

Sony Mobile has 'an ambition' to launch Firefox OS device in 2014

Despite what your feelings may be about Firefox OS, various OEMs and carriers are clearly content with having more options to explore. The latest outfit appears to be Sony's Mobile entity, which, earlier today, announced it had reached multi-year deal with Telefónica which will "explore the development" of a device running Mozilla's novel operating system. What's more, Deputy Chief Executive Officer and Head of Products Business Group, Bob Ishida, says Sony Mobile engineers are already working on a project with the new mobile OS on the block, adding that the eventual goal is to "bring a product to market in 2014." Now, whether we'll see higher-end slabs than some of the ones we've experienced thus far, well, dear readers, that remains to be seen.

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Via: The Next Web

Source: Telef?nica


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Video: Brothers? passion for music a South Side inspiration

>>> finally tonight, most mentions of the city of chicago of late have, sadly, concerned gun violence, but tonight we have a story about two brothers enjoying a lot of success and showing some kids something they never thought possible. the mcgill brothers are among a group of 100 african-americans featured on our nbc news website,, and tonight ron allen has their story.

>> reporter: passion and artistry lift the mcgill brothers to lofty heights. demarre plays lead flute with the seattle symphony . kid brother anthony is the principal clarinettist for the world-renowned new york metropolitan opera . rising stars in the rarefied world of classical music , where just 4% of the musicians in national orchestras are african-american or latino. why classical music ?

>> i was drawn to the stories that i heard as a kid, musical stories, and my imagination would just go wild.

>> when i was listening to an orchestra or i was playing the clarinet, somehow, it got deeper into my soul.

>> reporter: they started on the south side of chicago , known for its urban problems, not the classics.

>> hi, sweetheart!

>> reporter: parents ira, a retired teacher, and demarre sr., a former firefighter, say they mortgaged the house five times to pay for lessons.

>> the pads look good.

>> reporter: they still have demarre's first flute and a little something he scribbled down when he was just 15.

>> "goals for the future, to be the best artist in the world

>> wlfer they perform on stage, it's almost like you forget to breathe.

>> reporter: they attribute their success to a chicago non-profit that's been offering free lessons to inner city kids after school since 1979 , the merit school, where they're now treated like rock stars .

>> they provided us a community of people that look like us doing the same thing.

>> reporter: they won competitions, scholarships to prestigious schools, and at age 14 and 18, performed in a very special neighborhood.

>> bravo, gentlemen.

>> reporter: where's the rivalry? all siblings have rivalries. who got better grades in school?

>> oh, see, well, there you go.

>> you probably did.

>> me.

>> reporter: now their goal is to inspire. and share their love of music.

>> it brings feelings to you and it helps you express yourself .

>> reporter: while taking their place among the great musicians of their time. ron allen , nbc news,


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Federal Housing Finance Agency Reports Mortgage Interest Rates ...

WASHINGTON, D.C. ? February 26, 2013 ? (RealEstateRama) ? The average interest rate on conventional, 30-year, fixed-rate mortgage loans of $417,000 or less increased 6 basis points to 3.53 in January. These rates are calculated from the FHFA?s Monthly Interest Rate Survey of purchase-money mortgages (see technical note).

These results reflect loans closed during the January 25 ? 31 period. Typically, the interest rate is determined 30 to 45 days before the loan is closed. Thus, the reported rates depict market conditions prevailing in mid- to late-December.

The contract rate on the composite of all mortgage loans (fixed- and adjustable-rate) was 3.34 percent in January, up 6 basis points from 3.28 percent in December. The effective interest rate, which reflects the amortization of initial fees and charges, was 3.46 percent in January, up 4 basis points from 3.42 percent in December.

This report contains no data on adjustable-rate mortgages due to insufficient sample size. Initial fees and charges were 0.95 percent of the loan balance in January, down 20 basis points from December. Twenty-six percent of the purchase-money mortgage loans originated in January were ?no-point? mortgages, up from 11 percent from the share in December. The average term was 27.1 years in January, down 0.3 years from December.

The average loan-to-price ratio in January was 76.4 percent, up 0.1 percent from 76.3 percent in December. The average loan amount was $254,700 in January down $19,400 from $274,100 in December.

Recorded information on this index is available by calling (202) 649-3993. For technical questions on this index, please call David Roderer at (202) 649-3206. The February index value will be announced on March 28, 2013.

Technical note: The data are based on a small monthly survey of mortgage lenders which may not be representative. Survey respondents are asked to report the terms and conditions on all conventional, single-family, fully amortized, purchase-money loans closed during the last five working days of the month. The sample is not a statistical sample but is rather a convenience sample. The data exclude FHA-insured and VA-guaranteed mortgages, refinancing loans, and balloon loans. This month?s data are based on 4,729 reported loans from 25 lenders, which may include savings associations, mortgage companies, commercial banks, and mutual savings banks. The effective interest rate includes the amortization of initial fees and charges over a 10-year period, which is the historical assumption of the average life of a mortgage loan. More info?


The Federal Housing Finance Agency regulates Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and the 12 Federal Home Loan Banks. These government-sponsored enterprises provide more than $5.7 trillion in funding for the U.S. mortgage markets and financial institutions.

Corinne Russell (202) 649-3032
Stefanie Johnson (202) 649-3030



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Most 2014 GM cars will also be a Wi-Fi hotspot

General Motors will partner with AT&T to offer embedded 4G Internet access in ?most? of the vehicles it sells in the U.S. and Canada starting next year, the maker announced during a mobile communications conference in Spain on Monday.

An early leader in so-called ?connected car? services with its OnStarsystem, GM sees a number of advantages in tapping into AT&T?s 4G LTE wireless service, promising it will expand the range of infotainment options motorists will have while also providing the potential to use the broadband service to improve vehicle safety.

Among other things, passengers will be able to tap into a WiFi hot spot that can handle up to eight different cellphones, table and laptop computers and other devices.

?In addition to allowing consumers to bring in and connect to personal mobile devices, the vehicle will also act as its own mobile device, enabling embedded vehicle capabilities,? said Mary Chan, president, Global Connected Consumer, General Motors.

?Turning this vision into a reality starts with enabling fast, reliable and responsive connectivity within the vehicle,? she added. ?Through this built-in 4G LTE connection we have the opportunity to reinvent the mobile experience inside a vehicle.?

GM is by no means the only maker that has that goal in mind. Audi has been offering broadband capabilities on several models, such as the A7 and A8 sedans, in recent years and uses that to merge Google images into its real-time navigation system, as well as to offer in-vehicle WiFi hotspots. BMW is also adding 4G capability, as is the Chrysler Group, the latter teaming up with Sprint to enhance its Uconnect infotainment system on vehicles such as the Ram 1500 pickup and SRT Viper sports car.

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According to GM?s Chan, adopting 4G LTE will yield data speeds as much as 10 times faster than older 3G wireless technology. The challenge for AT&T will be to expand its own network coverage to ensure that motorists actually have access to the service.

The most recent Initial Quality Survey, or IQS, by J.D. Power and Associates found that infotainment-related glitches are now the number one source of complaints from new car buyers, surpassing traditional issues like wind noise or powertrain problems. On the other hand, other studies have illustrated that consumers can be swayed by manufacturers who offer the best in-car technologies.

According to GM, the partnership with AT&T will allow the maker to begin offering or enhance existing features such as streaming audio, on-demand video, voice-to-text messaging and more.

It also will permit the maker to enhance the suite of safety and security features offered by the OnStar system, which was a pioneer in what then was known as telematics when it debuted in 1995.

OnStar had previously partnered with Verizon which had been serving GM vehicles through the much slower 2G network ?so the switch in service providers is a major coup for AT&T.

?Introducing 4G LTE into GM vehicles is a game-changing opportunity,? said Ralph de la Vega, president and CEO of AT&T Mobility.?We?re working closely with GM to grow the connected car base, and provide unique and relevant services that will improve the connected experience inside automobiles for both drivers and passengers.?

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With smartphones rapidly replacing conventional cellphone technology, communications industry experts say broadband is rapidly becoming the norm for consumers wherever that are. But the auto industry and automotive regulators see opportunities to use such technology for more than just keeping drivers in touch and their passengers entertained.

One active field of development aims to connect individual cars and a fixed highway infrastructure. This would improve the ability to stay on top of changing road conditions, for example, alerting motorists when there are accidents or weather-related issues. Such systems could warn oncoming traffic if a vehicle runs a red light.

Connected car technology is now undergoing extensive testing, including a major program in the Detroit suburb of Ann Arbor, Michigan. One question is how vehicles will communicate with one another. The Federal Communications Commission this month rejected an auto industry request to preserve an open spectrum of radio space solely for connected car systems, instead assigning some of it for such things as home and office WiFi.

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GM sees even more options for the new alliance with AT&T. Having a high-speed, two-way line of communications with virtually every 2015 model and beyond could simplify vehicle maintenance, especially when it comes to the software-based control systems that are now found on every modern automobile.

?We will literally start downloading maintenance and updates on equipment (in) vehicles that we used to have to bring in,? GM CEO Dan Akerson said during a conference call with company employees last year.

While today?s announcement focuses on vehicles that will be sold in the U.S. and Canada, the world?s second-largest automaker says it will look to offer similar services in other parts of the world, such as in Europe through its Opel and Vauxhall brands.

Copyright ? 2009-2013, The Detroit Bureau


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