Friday 16 November 2012

Invisibility Tech Demo Tomorrow In NYC

Invisibility Tech Demo Tomorrow In NYC - Slashdot
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The Military Science Posted by timothy
from the everything-that-happens-in-new-york-is-true dept.
Velcroman1 writes "Invisibility cloaks and deflector shields, once a staple of popular science-fiction, are now the real deal, researchers say. But here on Earth, top researchers have been battling too, not over the fate of the empire but over whose tech will someday shield U.S. ships. Fractal Antenna Systems came out swinging Wednesday over a 'perfected' invisibility cloak by researchers at Duke and Imperial College. Company CEO and inventor Nathan Cohen issued a scathingly critical press release throwing very visible zingers ? and claiming he invented it first. '[Their tech] makes you more, not less, visible,' Cohen said. The company says a patent-pending deflector shield built off a variant of the technology can divert electromagnetic radiation around an object ? and they plan to show it off Friday in New York City, at the Radio Club of America."

"I don't believe in sweeping social change being manifested by one person, unless he has an atomic weapon." -- Howard Chaykin



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