Friday 25 January 2013

workers comp attorney Atlanta | Lawyer Information

January 23rd, 2013 by admin Leave a reply ?

Workers? Compensation ? The Why and How of It

Anyone who?s ever had a job of any kind has probably heard of ?workman?s comp,? but how much do you really know about it? Unless you?ve had the misfortune of an on-the-job injury, workers? compensation is usually not something thought of or discussed very often, if at all. A workers comp attorney Atlanta is a great source of detailed information. In the meantime, read on to find out more about the why of how of workers? compensation.


A Brief History

Since there have been jobs, people have been getting injured while working them. However, it wasn?t until less than a hundred years ago that workers? compensation laws finally hit the books. Before then, workers injured while working had to try to sue their employers for medical expenses and lost wages. Most of the time this was a lose-lose proposition. Injured employees had a difficult time getting employers to pay, while employers faced either paying out hefty settlements, losing an employee or both. It was a cumbersome process that rarely left anyone satisfied.


Enter Insurance

Workers? compensation came about as a win-win solution to the problem of workplace injuries and is the oldest form of insurance in the United States. Employers pay into a workers? compensation insurance policy. That policy then pays out on claims made by injured employees. Having this insurance makes it much simpler and easier for both the employer and the employee. Employers no longer have to worry about being sued for medical expenses and employees no longer have to worry about getting the medical care and benefits they need.


What?s Covered

In addition to medical costs and lost wages, workers? compensation can also cover vocational rehabilitation or disability. In the worst case scenario, if an employee dies due to an injury sustained on the job, benefits go to the family members and help pay funeral costs.

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