Wednesday 8 May 2013


Hi, I'm Korra! I'm new here, and thought I'd greet everyone out here. So, I'll just tell you guys a little bit about myself. I'm a reasonably good roleplayer (I'm basing this off of content, not length. I can barely post a paragraph at best >n>'), and it seems like a make up a new character every day. I absolutely love video games, and I've played some people have never even heard of. I don't watch too many movies, but I read a ton of books. One of my favorite series is the Wings of Fire series, which is currently on its second book. I love to write and draw, but I can hardly finish things I write. Luckily, the same cannot be said for my drawings.

Aaaaaand I can't think of anything else to put here. Other than that I hate running. Or any other physical activity, for that matter. Well, that's it. That's the Koraa Massoma story. Questions, anyone? No? Okay!


Chicago teachers strike september 11 2001 september 11 2001 blake lively serena williams Espn Fantasy Football Grandparents Day 2012

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