Thursday 11 October 2012

How to Use Social Dimension to Advertise Your Business | Internet ...

Businesses Online | Internet and Businesses Online | * Written by Vishal shah | Wednesday, 10 October 2012 21:37 | Word Count: 678

As e-commerce website, you need to train synergies between your site and your social media to boost your sales and your community. For this, techniques are more or less known: This articles explains beautiful range of ideas to work together your site and social networks." alt="Image" />


The choice of social networks :

Obviously a strategy involving social media requires a prior choice of networks on which you wish to attend. The goal is not to put more buttons available on your website to show that you are everywhere, but rather to focus your efforts on networks that match your business strategy.

And for e-commerce site choosing a strategy coupling Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest is interesting because it will highlight the colorful photos of sweets and gourmet contact (s) and bloggers.


More than buttons, headings :

Today buttons redirecting social networks are regularly positioned at the top right of your e-commerce site and sometimes even in the footer. The advantage of this is that visitors tend to visit these two places if they want to find. But why not do more?

The innovative idea was to position social networks as a section, as well as the blog or the shop. So anyone browsing the site can not miss them. It also shows a willingness to integrate social networks into its site and in its strategy.


The sharing buttons for your products and your blog :

Although now common to add sharing buttons, I recall here the importance. Integrate your product pages and blog buttons on your site to share with a click. Even if only one person used it, it would be worth it! For example, with beautiful photos, sharing Pinterest can prove to be a great source of visibility since direct link to your product page will be added to the image on a network share.


Interactive photo gallery Instagram :

Many websites offers its customers to share their photos in the photo gallery with Instagram present on their website. How it works?

Simply take a photo via Instagram application and add the "hashtag"# site name. Done! The photo is automatically loaded into the gallery website and visible to all. Several software allows the integration on your site. This is a great way to make your visitors interact with your website and social networks at the same time .


Page redirection post-payment :

One of your clients has just made a purchase; it is the payment platform and will be redirected to a confirmation page on your site control. A simple thank you?

Many website had the idea to incorporate and highlight its social networks. Why? Because a customer who just bought is a client conquered, will be ready to love your page or subscribe to your news. Above all, it will be a good ambassador for your brand!


Synergies between social networks :

Also create synergies between your social networks by redirecting your fans on them. A vivid example: tabs Facebook.

Put it in before the social networks on which you are present. For example, many website, you will find the Twitter newsfeed, photos Pinterest but also interactive Instagram photo gallery! Indeed, Instagram applications for Facebook, allow you to view photos related to a hash tag or a particular user.

With these initial actions to implement, you make a good circulation of your visitors and clients between your site and your social networks.

Vishal shah is the Director of Website development company for Opti matrix, a Company that specializes in providing professional and affordable website designing services and iPhone Application Development. Vishal shah has several years of online marketing experience including SEO, SEM, Content creation.

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Author of this article: Vishal shah.

Number of Articles Published: 10

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Vishal shah joined FAFY - Free Article For You on Wednesday, 22 August 2012.

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