Thursday 18 October 2012

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High Profile Anti-Corruption Blogger Crystal L. Cox was Sued for Defamation by a Portland Oregon Lawyer name Kevin Padrick, and his Financial Advising Company Obsidian Finance Group. ?

Investigative Blogger Crystal Cox was sued regarding posts on her network of Anti-Corruption Media Blogs regarding a $40 Million Dollar Portland Oregon Bankruptcy Court Proceeding.

Kevin Padrick was the Bankruptcy Trustee in the?

Summit Accommodators / Summit 1031 based out of Bend Oregon. Kevin Padrick was appointed Trustee, essentially working for the Creditors, by a Federal Judge / the Department of Justice, even though insider emails with the Department of Justice show that appointing a Trustee was NOT in the Best Interest of the Creditors.

Blogger Crystal Cox says, this was in direct conflict with the prior Role in which Kevin Padrick, and Obsidian Finance Group Had with the Summit Accommodators / Summit 1031 Company. ?

Kevin Padrick, and Obsidian Finance Group?were initially hired by?the Summit Accommodators / Summit 1031 Company to reorganize their company. ?Instead?the Summit Accommodators / Summit 1031 Company took $100,000 of the Companies Money, Took their "books", spreadsheets and inside information and got him and his company a job for the next few years, making millions a year. This job was as a Trustee, on the OPPOSITE side of his own clients.?

Kevin Padrick, and Obsidian Finance Group were hired to "Reorganize" the company, as is shown CLEARLY in the Summit Contract.?Kevin Padrick, and Obsidian Finance Group, instead saw to it that their clients were liquidated. As seen in the Patty Whittington,?Obsidian Finance Group VP, testimony in the Obsidian Vs. Cox Case, it was the intention, premeditated plan to liquidate Summit from the Beginning. Even though the Summit Bankruptcy was clearly a Debtor in Possession and NOT a Liquidation.

Kevin Padrick, and Obsidian Finance Group seized assets and charged millions.?Kevin Padrick, and Obsidian Finance Group gave jobs to friends, attorneys, and connections. The Summit Creditors, Investors and the Company Founders were helpless against the wall of corruption in Portland Oregon.?

One Woman, Summit Insider, CPA and Real Estate Investor Stephanie Studebaker DeYoung, Stood against them by posting all the documents on a Whistle Blower Blog. For years Blogger Crystal Cox got Stephanie's blogs found in the search engines. She faced extreme persecutions from the wrath of the Portland Oregon Attorney Fraternity. And when they succeeded at silencing this Mother of 3, they came to Silence Me. Not having children, Blogger Crystal Cox was able to Stand Firm against the Corruption in Portland Oregon.?Blogger Crystal Cox continues to be dedicated to exposing the insider details of the?Summit Accommodators / Summit 1031 Bankruptcy, in order to stop the rampant corruption in the U.S Bankruptcy Courts. And to bring attention to how much power, and how little accountability and transparency that a bankruptcy trustee has.?

Blogger Crystal Cox?received a $2.5 Million Dollar Judgement in the Obsidian V. Cox Case. This is claimed to be because Portland Oregon Laws Firms such as Perkins Coie, Sussman Shank, Tonkon Torp and Miller Nash have a lot to lose if the truth stands regarding the details and secret handshakes of the?Summit Accommodators / Summit 1031 Bankruptcy. Judge Marco Hernandez, friend with Judge Michael Simon who was at Perkins Coie Law Firm and Represented Summit Creditors, was and continues to protect the Elite Portland Oregon Law Firms, Judges and Attorneys. Free Speech Rights of ALL New Media is the Collateral Damage of One Judge protecting Corruption. Keep in mind Judge Marco Hernandez was not a Portland Oregon Judge until After Obsidian V. Cox was filed in Portland Oregon Federal Courts.

Portland Oregon Federal?Judge Marco Hernandez?Says Bloggers are Not Journalists and BLOGS are Not Media. Anti-Corruption?Blogger Crystal Cox was?Denied the Protection of the First Amendment, Shield Laws, Anti-Slapp Laws and Retraction Laws TO Protect Corruption. The Result is Devastating to all First Amendment Advocates, Media, Citizen Journalists, and Bloggers.

Below is the Opening Brief in?Obsidian Finance Group LLC v. Cox Ninth Circuit Appeal:?

Eugene Volokh, Crystal L. Cox Appeal. Obsidian Vs. Cox Appeal Opening Brief

More on the Obsidian Vs. Cox Case


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